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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast LiftAs part of the natural aging process, women lose skin elasticity and breasts begin to sag. Other factors can contribute to this process including pregnancy, breastfeeding, and excessive weight loss. When these changes occur, some women become unhappy with the appearance of their breasts and wish to return to their more youthful look. In these cases a breast lift or mastopexy can reduce or eliminate sagging, and, for women seeking enhancement in size, can be performed in conjunction with implants to increase the breasts’ volume. Through the advancements of technology, it has allowed surgeons to perform procedures with less invasive techniques and less scarring. These options, specifically with a breast augmentation , may be limited depending on the patients need and desire. Your surgeon can help determine your best option after observing your particular case, desired results, and medical history.

Visit the Breast Lift Before and After Gallery (Be Advised, the Following Pictures Contain Nudity)


How is a Mastopexy performed?

A breast lift improves a drooping appearance in the breasts by removing extra skin and tightening the skin of the breast area, thereby “lifting” the breasts to a firmer position. Breast lift surgery involves tightening and lifting the breasts with a series of incisions. There are a number of options but the most common procedure involves three incisions: one around the areola; a second that extends vertically from the areola to the breast crease; and a third, horizontal incision along the breast crease. Excess skin is removed and the nipple and areola may be repositioned to achieve a natural height. Breast lift procedures are typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The entire procedure usually takes less than two hours to complete.

What is the recovery process like?

After surgery, you will experience some pain, bruising, and swelling. The extent varies for every patient, but incision and placement site can be contributing factors. There will be scaring from the incision, and some slight bleeding usually happens for the first few days. Heavy exercise should be avoided for several weeks based on your doctor’s recommendation. Return to daily activities or work can usually happen days to weeks after surgery. Your surgeon will guide you through this release to activities.

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