
Hormone Replacement Therapy
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Breast Augmentation

Results of Breast AugmentationBreast augmentation is one of the most popular procedures in the world because it can help a woman boost their body image, reconstruct breasts, and correct asymmetry. Cosmetic enhancement tends to be the number one reason that a woman undergoes this procedure. Typically they are unhappy with their appearance for one reason or another and want an enhancement to help them look and feel better.

For each patient, the desired result will be different. Some may want minor changes while others may want a more voluptuous change. This is why we spend a significant amount of time during the consultation process discussing your goals. These consultations with the operating physician play an important role in ensuring surgical success.

During this consultation, we will discuss which type of implant and technique is desired by the patient. With technology improving we have more options for our implant size, shape and placement. All implants made today have a silicone shell and filled with either saline or silicone. Both saline and silicone implants are now FDA approved.

Visit the Breast Augmentation Before and After Gallery (Be Advised, the Following Pictures Contain Nudity)


Silicone gel implants give the breasts a natural shape, appearance, and “feel” after surgery. Silicone is a cohesive gel that “sticks together” in the event of a rupture. This lowers the risk of infection and other associated risks.

Saline implants are a popular choice. There are several shapes that can be used; round or anatomical. A round implant will make the breast appear round while the anatomical will take on the more natural shape of the breast.


There are three places on the body in which an incision can be made for implant insertion. They are at the areola, through the armpit or at the bottom crease of the breast.


The placement of breast implants is either sub-glandular or sub-muscular. Placement below the muscle (sub-muscular) can be partial or complete. With partial sub-muscular placement, the bottom third of the implant is not covered by muscle. With both partial and complete placement below the muscle, there are usually fewer instances of complications and mammography tests are easier to perform. When implants are placed over the muscle (sub-glandular), insertion is faster and easier, and there is usually a shorter recovery period.

Other factors including your exercise routine and amount of existing skin tissue could determine which placement is best for you. You should discuss placement options with your surgeon prior to augmentation.


The physician will make an incision, position the implant into the desired placement, and then stitch together the skin where the incision was made. There are three variables that can determine the results and success of surgery: type of implant, site of incision and placement of the implant.


After surgery, you will experience some pain, bruising, and swelling. The extent varies for every patient, but incision and placement site can be contributing factors. There will be scaring from the incision, and some slight bleeding usually happens for the first few days. Heavy exercise should be avoided for several weeks based on your doctor’s recommendation. Return to daily activities or work can usually happen days to weeks after surgery. Your surgeon will guide you through this release to activities.

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